So the first week of four on Fuerteventura is already over: Time for a short recap. The adventure began with a drive through France and Spain to the port of Huelva, where we boarded the Ferry to Lanzarote. We spent New Years Eve on the ferry and arrived on the 1st in Lanzarote. After a short ride on the Shuttle Ferry we finally arrived at Corralejo.

The first days have been very windy, so we checked out the swimming opportunities. Turns out that at a local sports resort you can one month of pool access for just 40 euros. The pool is a nice 50m outdoor pool with 7 lanes and it is mostly empty.

When the wind slowed down in the afternoons I did some Raceboard trainings with Alexander Stertzik who was here for my first week too. The bay of Corralejo is protected from most directions of wind and swell, so some sort of training is always possible.

On the downside I cut my foot while coming out of the water, which meant that I had to slow down for a few days and tried to keep the foot as dry as possible (meaning only one water training a day). Luckily we took our road-bikes with us. We did one small tour from Corralejo to La Oliva, Parque Holandès and back. It was a very nice tour, even though there was a lot of sidewind.

This weekend Ricardo (Haverschmidt) and Martino (Rogai) arrived in Corrralejo so, together with Paolo (Marconi) and the Teulades who are still to come, we are going to be a pretty solid training group for the next weeks.


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